Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Single College Life

I started going to the singles' ward a couple months ago out here in Scottsdale. I avoided it for a long time thinking "They're old. They're no fun. They'll think I'm too young. I won't have any friends." Thanks to Whitney I found the courage to go. I followed her around like a lost puppy for the first few weeks, but I've gotten to know a lot of really cool people. I even have friends & got asked out on a date. I proudly claim the youngest person in the ward at 18. Now Whitney is leaving in 11 days to serve a mission. Hopefully I'll survive going to the singles' ward without her. She's my best friend, and though I've made other friends, I feel lost and lonely without her. I'm going to miss her a lot.
I also sarted college this week at Scottsdale Community College. I'm taking 12 credits. I have one hard class that will require a lot of work and two others that will be a breeze. I've made a few friends at school, too, so it's not too bad, but it's still school.