Sunday, November 2, 2008


So, for Halloween, my friend, Jaimie, and I could not decide what to be. We sent countless text messages brainstorming ideas, none of which really got us excited about dressing up. One day while browsing Brooke's pictures on facebook, I saw the picture of my super incredibly cute niece, Abigail, in a tutu Brooke had made for her. I made a comment about the photo somewhere along the lines of "will you make me one so I can match Abigail?" Brooke so willingly offered to make tutus for Jaimie and I for Halloween. When I told Jaimie what Brooke had offered, she basically screamed "oh my gosh that's it!" We were going to be punk rock ballerinas. We went shopping and bought the tulle and took it to Brooke. Let me tell you how wonderful Brooke really is, we got six colors for our tutus, SIX! I think our six colored tutus were a lot more work than the usual two color ones. Our costumes turned out pretty sweet, no lie. The night wasn't bad either. We got so many compliments on our tutus and comments such as "where'd you get it?" and "I want one!" So that night Jaimie, Jamison, and I went to the institute party for a while, which was a lot better than I thought it would be. Later we went to eat with some friends, where Christie met up with us, and headed to Rockin' R. So fun. I think I saw just about everybody I knew there! Christie and I had fun saying hi to all the Buckeye kids, ones I haven't seen since I moved out here. I think we danced for nearly two hours. Afterwards I went to some lame party with Jamison and Anthony where we only stayed for less than thirty minutes. I got a good nap in though in the car on the way home when the boys started talking politics. I got home around four, which I will never do again. Especially when I have to get up at seven to work. Saturday and Sunday were wonderful, mostly spent with family. Free dinner is always great.


Jolene said...

I think your costume was awesome and you owe your talented sister-in-law a night of babysitting!

Cindy Jenkins said...

Those really are the most incredible tutu's ever! I love the pink and purple one that Brooke made for Maddie! It's so great to have someone in the family with sewing talent!!! (not me!) Anyway, you and Jaimie look adorable!